QUAIL MUTTERINGS #86.  A Matter of Perspective (April 2024)

           Getting a glimpse of the total solar eclipse from the heart of Texas is what fueled our road trip. It provided the impetus we needed to contemplate an adventure across the deserts of the Southwest. I believe that a good shake-up of our perspectives, both physical and mental, can do a world of good.

            Some of the windswept ghost towns we visited felt like God-forsaken territory while some tucked-away niches (from the natural variety to the community-oriented) held an almost sacred energy. I couldn’t predict which kind might lay ahead of the last. Being open to surprise made the path of travel more of an adventure. For two weeks Kent and I drove, camped, hiked, and prepared one-pot meals.


            For the actual eclipse we took a walk to find a place with no street lights, since those would come on as darkness came. We found a deserted dirt road where we sat in our beach chairs for the experience. When twilight occurred in the middle of the day, a nearby herd of goats began carrying on for their dinner. I’ll bet they were a bit bewildered when ‘the night’ only lasted a few minutes. It was rather surreal for us as well. But back to perspective.

            Take comfort for instance. For some it might mean lounging in a recliner with a full belly and a good movie. For another it might be a meager soup and a straw mat in a cave. A cat, or me for that matter, seeks a warm, sunny spot to lay down on the carpet. Or in the shade of an oak tree, gazing up through its leaves into the sky from a bed in the grass. Everyone is different, but there are also variances in how we feel, what time of day it is, if we’ve eaten recently…  

            The perspective of one who never has enough to eat or even a place to live can be a real eye-opener to another who has never experienced that kind of deprivation. With increasing numbers of refugees in the world who have no home anymore to the overwhelming abundance of homelessness in our own nation, perhaps it’s time we expand our views to include some of theirs. Those with so much can produce more waste than imaginable, and the rest of us who fit somewhere in the middle—but what does that even mean anymore?

            Siblings who shared the same situations growing up can have vastly different perspectives on things as adults. Each person comes away from an event with their own memories which are undoubtedly colored by their opinions, biases, and countless other influences. Is anything truly a fact? Can we ever really know anything for certain? I don’t believe I can. This was something that plagued me even as a child. When someone asked if I was absolutely sure of something, I’d often respond, “No, I’m not sure of anything.” Maybe I’m not actually here, but just dreaming or thinking about it.

            This idea alone should make us stop and try to see things from others’ perspectives. Who knows? Some locked gate in the recesses of our minds might unlock when we do. And then what? Why don’t we give it a try—each day—and see where it leads? If more of us in the whole wide world did a little more of this then we might be a lot better off than we are now.

            We talked with a number of people during our two-week road trip, many of them on their own eclipse adventure. That was the common ground. In a neighboring campsite one night a small group sat around a campfire, playing guitar and singing James Taylor songs. Kent and I felt like little kids tucked into our bed, listening to ‘the grownups’. In another place we learned that the woman in the site next to us was traveling solo and actually preferred it that way. Her trip was a six-week loop from the East coast, through New Mexico and many other states. She wasn’t really all alone—a dog was her plus one. There was the couple who were our neighbors for two nights, followed by a surprise when we found them neighbors again in another state! Small world? Besides traveling for the eclipse, they were also pursuing ‘supernatural phenomenon…’ And there was the shop owner from South Africa who worked for several years on her accent so that customers wouldn’t say, “Speak English, please.”

            It can be so much fun to meet new people from all walks of life and learn new tidbits or ways of looking at things because of our differences instead of in spite of them. We found hoodoos and walked through slot canyons in Big Bend Ranch State Park. When we were there, I observed the reactions of fellow travelers, from conversations we had with them— “We have much better hoodoos in Utah;” to just watching how people looked around. A city person might have a totally different feeling than a veteran nature adventurer.

            Getting away from our regular routines and familiar surroundings can offer a whole bunch of benefits. The obvious being a vacation from the grind of our day-to-day existence. But also, getting away for a while can give us a renewed appreciation for our own home and, as luck would have it, a new perspective.

 Chi Varnado has published six books including fiction, nonfiction and children’s books. They are available on www.amazon.com. Her collection of essays, Quail Mutterings, can be found on www.chivarnado.com or www.dancecentrepresents.com.

QUAIL MUTTERINGS #85.  Live and Let Live? (March 2024)

           When I had the dance studio, we included all the students in story ballets—regardless of the dance genre. I felt that this helped to foster a sense of inclusion in the entire community of dancers and gymnasts. Typical recitals bring each class on stage separately, where they perform ‘their number’ and then off they go. We also, purposely, did not enter competitions or promote competitiveness or give prizes. The reward was in the getting to do it. The joys, the sorrows, the passion of movement and musicality has always added to the richness of life itself.

           So, what happened to our village concept—when we all would pull together for the greater good? Yes, sometimes our feelings get hurt, but is our momentary sensitivity worth blowing off everyone else? It might seem like it at the time—until we pull back and look at the bigger picture. All too often we act before pausing to take a breath, and therefore mess things up not only for individuals and businesses, but for a whole community. Unchecked jealousy and greed can spread like poison.


            The squeaky wheel gets the grease… for better or worse. Sometimes we act through a sense of entitlement or our own personal concept of fairness, but again, pausing and acting through compassion can benefit all of us, instead of only ourselves. I think I owe it to the whole, as well as to myself, to slow down and act for the greater good—to enrich my community, not knock others down to build myself up.

            I did hear, though, that there is good news on the horizon.

            Spring is in the air, if not quite on the calendar, bringing with it fragrant lilacs, green hills, prolific birdsong, and running water. We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful place, to hike the lush ravines, sip wine at our wonderful wineries, peruse the antique shops along Main Street, buy fresh produce from the local farmstands, get together with friends and enjoy the warm sunshine… It’s so easy to get caught up and entrenched in our own routines that we lose sight of all this beauty right in front of us. I’m as guilty as anyone. So, I’m reminding myself, and each one of you, to pause and take an extra deep breath… and SMILE.

Chi Varnado has published six books including fiction, nonfiction and children’s books. They are available on www.amazon.com. Her collection of essays, Quail Mutterings, can be found on www.chivarnado.com or www.dancecentrepresents.com.

QUAIL MUTTERINGS #84.  The Dissonance of Life (February 2024)

           1-2-3-hold 4—5-6-7 & 8. I listen to the familiar counting of musical phrasing as the ballet teacher marks through the choreography. My seven-year-old granddaughter is dancing in one of the beautiful studios in The Casa Del Prado of Balboa Park. Outside, where I wait, the clock tower chimes away, creating a counterpoint to the music coming from inside—reminding me of the dissonance in life itself.

           There are always plenty of interesting folks milling around the park. On our way today, a young man was pacing back and forth, fiddling with a small, flimsy piece of eucalyptus bark.

            “Shall we have a discussion about saving the planet?” he asked.

            “Well,” I began. “We’re going to dance right now. She’s got a ballet class.”

            He thought that was cool and as we walked away, I turned back and pointed to him. “But that’s a good dance too.” I was referring to his topic of interest and he agreed.

             Earlier this morning while on my way to pick up Kya, I caught the tail end of an interview on the radio with someone talking about how air pollution can exacerbate not only asthma, but eczema and other skin conditions—which can then lead to problems with our internal organs. She said that covering ourselves with clothing, applying mineral-based sunblock to all exposed areas, and wearing a mask when outside can help when the air quality is too smoky or polluted. Even the chemicals dumped on wildfires can be hazardous to our health.

            I suppose I already knew all this, but periodically being reminded is probably not such a bad thing. What will lead us to action? I am also guilty. I try to live my own life as sustainably as I can, however there is so much more I could do.

            Kya told me that we can pick up trash to make the earth better. Her next comment was that rivers run into the ocean. She was just throwing out random ideas to help me brainstorm for this column. But it is actually quite relevant in this context. Just as our capillaries and veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to our heart, the tributaries and rivers deliver man-made toxins into the oceans which merge with the waters of the whole world. We are all connected by air, water, and products… Like it or not, each one of us effects everyone else and vice versa. There really is no such thing as being separate, self-made, or truly independent. 

           The earth is still this majestically beautiful place. I feel so fortunate to be here, don’t you? Just to be a part of it all is such a gift—and a treasure.

            So, back to the dissonance of life. The chorus of the frogs here at night can be almost as loud as the planes flying over Balboa Park in their approach for landing at the San Diego Airport. But I’m pretty sure that most of us would choose the native chorus to the jet engines. The soaking of the recent rains gave much to our grateful ground and plants, while downtown San Diego’s failing storm drains caused major flooding. Yes, our dirt road suffers from the runoff, creating ruinous ruts. But, somehow, scrambling out there with shovels feels better to us than living with the open sewage which escaped the city systems.

Writing this column feels good to me—being both creative and productive simultaneously. I break up the task today by periodically checking the progress on the repairs to our vintage trailer awning, after a huge tree fell on it more than a month ago. I also need this kind of productivity for my well-being. I’m just wired that way. I struggle when things feel stagnant. It’s more work for me to just chill than to putter and get things done. This, too, is a work in progress.

            As the rain came down, I could almost sense the arrival of Spring—in all its splendor of fragrant lilacs, running creeks, and the singing of courting birds. There’s a feel of hope in the air of good things to come, and nice sunny days. Like today, I’m soaking up the rejuvenating warmth of the sun into my bones and smiling into the next thing. Life is good—so go enjoy it!

Chi Varnado has published six books including fiction, nonfiction and children’s books. They are available on www.amazon.com. Her collection of essays, Quail Mutterings, can be found on www.chivarnado.com or www.dancecentrepresents.com.