First, let me preface the following Psycho Rant with an apology. I usually try to find the positive in things, but recently have found it to be a lot more challenging. This piece is more of a journal entry than an essay. As we know, writing can be cathartic in many ways. It can allow us to gain perspective on things that we’re too close to. If you choose to keep reading, then please follow through to the end. The diatribe most definitely needs a follow up.

Psycho Rant
Bloody hell! I worry that this may indeed be my unraveling. It’s not just this, it’s almost everything—at least that’s what it feels like. Besides it being over half a year into this pandemic, there’s extreme polarized politics; global unrest; extreme weather conditions, fire storms, and hurricanes of unprecedented strength, resulting from our changing climate…. I apologize, in advance, for my rant. I usually try to focus on the positive, but I’m failing miserably at that too.
These stresses take their toll on our world, as well as our bodies. Nervous ticks; sore teeth and jaws from clenching and grinding; strange skin eruptions; changes in vision; peripheral numbness; eating disorders. The list of symptoms does not stop here. Are they all related? What’s causing them? Is it a systemic problem that our whole world shares and we can’t help but absorb some of it into our own physical bodies—whether we realize it or not? After all, everything is connected—and relative.
Our societies, circles of friends, and families are being torn apart. One side is on the left and the other right. Some believe the disease is a hoax, some are absolutely terrified of it. And there is hypocrisy on every front. Our behavior has gone down the toilet. We’ve stopped seeing others as people, burying empathy. What would Jesus do? Or Buddha, or Mohammed?
There is so much that is wrong right now. I can hardly stand it. I’m not holding up well at all—and I’m not alone in this. But I am. The lack of community that we’re all experiencing, along with so many other things, is definitely taking its toll—on our health, both physical and emotional; and on our relationships. And I don’t have an answer.
But I do try to see some friends. We physical distance outside in my yard, bringing our own chairs, drinks, snacks, and, of course, masks – in case we get too close. Regular bathing and shampooing kind of lose their necessity. But there’s no breaking of bread together or hugging. And yes, it’s better than nothing. But yet, it’s severely lacking and I’m about ready to break.
And I digress further. We really are trying to be extra careful and do our due diligence to help slow down or prevent the spread of this horrible virus. When I see groups of people gathering together, with no masks, I sometimes wish that I didn’t worry about such things. That I could somehow buy into that free-living view. But I can’t. I did take science courses in college, and was raised by very intelligent, educated, science-respecting parents and grandparents. And no—I don’t buy into ALL of either side. But when in doubt, isn’t it safer to err on the side of caution? For now—I’m still there.
I don’t think that this is only my cry for help. It’s coming from all of us. We’re no longer whimpering—we’re wailing. Usually the stronger help rescue the weaker, or the healthy take care of the sick. But now we are all on that sinking ship with no one out there to save us. Bloody hell!
Follow Up
I asked my sister if this Quail Mutterings was too much. She said, “It’s perfect and it’s also too much.” But a part of me wanted to show that even though I have so much to be grateful for, I also succumb to emotional turmoil. I imagine we all do.
Even though the pandemic probably won’t go away any time soon, not everything has changed for the worse. We certainly don’t take as much for granted anymore: time spent with friends and family, going out to eat or see a movie, traveling. We have slowed down, perhaps in fits and starts, and taken more time to look around us and be more present. And that’s a good thing.
Just yesterday, I kept going out on the porch—called by the birdsongs and gentle breezes. The temperature was perfect, and twice, I saw deer. In the morning, a doe with two juvenile fawns was crossing the field. Later, I watched them drink from our water-trough-fountain.
Then I remembered the metaphor that my sister talked about. It’s like when a deer crosses a meadow. She needs to keep going across the open areas to get to the safety of the other side. And, like her, we also need to continue on to get safely to the other side of this pandemic. Perhaps that’s what we should strive for. Tread lightly, smell the air, and wander meditatively. Thank you for reading this to the end. We really are all in this together.