Black holes, baited traps, charisma… they all suck us in—hook, line and sinker. But it usually happens before we even realize what’s going on. And by then it’s too late. We’ve already swallowed the Kool-Aid and then continue to only ingest that which is now familiar—and therefore true. Our inquiring mind takes in a narrowing field of reference.
This morning I went to check the mouse snap trap which I set periodically to attempt to keep the critters at bay. But I couldn’t find it! This was a quandary. I do sometimes go into a room and then not be able to remember why, so there was that to consider. I searched the other logical places to no avail. Upon closer inspection my eyes locked onto a trail of tiny mouse droppings. Perplexed, but determined, I pulled out the refrigerator part way and there it was—upside down with mouse attached.

With Now mind you, I’m not proud of this activity, but I justify it to myself because of this being our living space. I tried live traps without much luck. Our property is overrun with squirrels, as well, however I can’t seem to bring the hammer down on them, and neither can my husband.
This is kind of a confession on my part. When I un-sprang the trap to drop the mouse under a bush, its leg twitched slightly. Of course, I felt terrible. After a useless apology to the rodent’s spirit, I sadly went back inside to reset the trap. Some might see me as just another “bleeding heart,” or may firmly believe that these actions are necessary and our right. But things are usually not completely one way or another. We can often get in trouble by getting sucked into either/or thinking.
In every area of study or profession it’s generally beneficial to glean ideas from other fields, not only access what’s said and done in our own realm of expertise or experience. Whether or not something directly relates to the topic at hand, it might provide some unexpected insight. Artists, writers, choreographers, teachers… take fodder from everything that crosses their path.
Perhaps this is why integrative medicine has become so popular. Each medical discipline brings its own expertise, but often a patient’s symptoms don’t fit within one category. With our medical system becoming more and more fragmented, it’s easy to see why one would want to be seen as a whole person, not just a sum of their symptoms.
And then there’s education. Would you prefer your child to be taught by a person or by a method? I’d pick a person. Integrative research and teaching are essential for the growth toward our full potential. I think we must continuously question our convictions (about literally everything) since new information, insights, and alternative ways of looking at things are constantly coming forward.
So, what do you say—is it time to unspring those traps that control our views? It may not be fun, but who knows? It just might be.
Chi Varnado has four recently published books. The Old House in the Country, women’s fiction; and three YA novels in The Dance Centre Presents series. Her memoir, A CANYON TRILOGY: Life Before, During and After the Cedar Fire, and her children’s book, The Tale of Broken Tail, are also available on Her collection of essays, Quail Mutterings, can be found on or You can follow her on Instagram or on