As ballet dancers we’re constantly told to, “Pull-up, pull-up!” But in reality this mindset is counter-productive. As dancers, we must learn to use the floor to our advantage. So, if you find yourself consistently falling out of your pirouettes try a different approach. When you prepare for an outside pirouette do a nice, even plié in fourth position and fix your eyes on the object that you’re going to spot – whether it’s your face in the mirror or the red lamp on the table – whatever it is. Now, when you take off for the turn, “Pressdown into the floor with your support leg as you relevé” This can have a much more solid effect than imagining “rising” for the tour. And continue to concentrate on this to avoid spinning out of control. End your rotation by stopping and holding your spot on the same object that you used before the turn. Use the floor! Push down into the floor! Use the floor! And good luck with your pirouettes!
Love, Miss Chi